Thursday, October 27, 2005

The other Latin America

Listening to my blog entries over the last 6 months you could have been accused of thinking that South America was all about blockades, fried guinea pigs and women in bowler hats playing high altitude football. But you´re wrong as I have been for the last 6 months.
Somehow, whilst the rest of South America sells knitted beanies on the corner, the Argentinians have been grooving along in their trendy clothes, posh buses and ultra cool clubs. Serving up the worlds finest food( if you´re a meat eater that is), delivering you to your destination on the world´s most luxurious bus( with Bingo, chicken milanesa and more leg room than Emirates) and generally being more euro than the euros. All this with their much publicised currency crash 3 years ago... This I see no evidence of whatsoever. I do believe it´s the most modern country I have ever seen. But also cheap. Yes we´ve been drinking some of the finest wines and eating steaks the size of horse heads for about the cost of an entree back home. This is all terrific news except for the fact that we´re now in Chile and paying tokyo prices for everything. Yep, we´ve travelled more than 35 very relaxing hours on buses and made it to santiago Chile. It´s got all the prices of what Argentina should have with half the charm. Oh well. Saturday we fly to Easter Island too look at some large stone heads and then back to Argy Bargy for some serious urban cool.... can´t wait

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