Sunday, April 20, 2008

Listen for the Horses

When it comes to a sense of smell, little Ivy May can sit in her soiled nappies all day long and not give a whiff.  She's would be perfectly happy holidaying next to a sewerage works. But Sense of sound is a different matter.  Like an apache listening to the approach of the cavalry, she can sense a plane overhead long before it hits Parramatta, mum and dad tiptoeing to the toilet at 4 in the morning and little big ears has acknowledged that squeaky floorboard before we can whisper an expletive. Her latest thing is to put her ear to the ground like she's in some crap 1950's western. 
But she's definitely coming along in leaps and bounds. Pulling herself up, crawling like a demon, squealing like the beatles just rocked into town when we we sing along to our favourite wiggles anthem. The contribution Toot toot chugga chugga big red car has made to modern music  I feel has been underestimated. 

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